Monday, September 6, 2010

Sub-Saharan Africa: South African mine workers go on strike

Eight-thousand workers at the Northam Platinum company are on strike in pursuit of a 15 percent pay raise after turning down management's 8 percent offer.

The miners are members of South Africa's National Union of Mine Workers. Their decision to strike follows a series of other high-visibility walk-outs in South Africa this year.

More from the BBC:

"Public sector employees, including nurses, police officers, teachers and immigration staff, have been on strike, demanding an 8.5% rise in pay - they have been offered 7.5%.

Unions representing these 1.3m state workers are expected to announce later whether they will accept government wage offer.

Last month, the Automobile Manufacturers Employers Organisation (Ameo) and the metal workers union, Numsa, accepted a 10% pay rise after an eight-day strike.

Earlier in the summer, workers at the electricity company Eskom took action which lead to a 9% pay offer and a housing allowance."

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